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Patient Support Groups

Click on a logo below to find out how these communities can offer patients practical and friendly support:



To meet the needs of patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) with an oncogene driver, patients have organised into support groups. These groups are building partnerships to provide support and education and to help patients access treatment through sharing information and promoting advocacy.
These patient support groups represent powerful resources to enable enhanced public and patient engagement and meaningful alliances with key stakeholders to help deliver improvement in outcomes for patients
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Nearly 80% of respondents said that they were more informed and better prepared
71% of respondents were inspired by other members' stories
click HERE to read the full report on the results of a patients' survey
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Why you should join a support group - video
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The Alliance's first project has been to produce a credit card-sized folded card for lung cancer nurses and hospital pharmacists to give to patients.  The card directs patients with an oncogene-driven lung cancer to their relevant support group.  Please use the contact form on the Home page if you are a HCP and would like a supply of these cards.

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Alison Burgin (St Luke's Cancer Centre, Royal Surrey Hospital) and Debra Montague (Oncogene-Driven Lung Cancer Patient Alliance UK) launch the project which has been endorsed by the British Oncology Pharmacy Association (BOPA) and Lung Cancer Nursing UK (LCNUK).
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