Welcome to the
Oncogene-Driven Lung Cancer
Patient Alliance UK
The Alliance comprises UK patient-focused support groups for lung cancer patients with an actionable mutation.
The purposes of the Alliance are to:
share best practice
optimise resources
carry out joint collaborations
support the formation of patient support groups for all actionable mutations
and much more - see below
Read more about the formation of ODLC Patient Alliance in our press release.
Email us for further information about the Alliance or to order the Support Groups Information card.
If you are a patient who has been diagnosed with EGFR-positive, ALK-positive or ROS1-positive lung cancer, click on one of the logos below to go to the relevant support group's website
About 20% of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) cases will have one of the mutations covered by these three organisations.
Honorary Clinical Advisor
Dr Alastair Greystoke
Consultant Medical Oncologist
Northern Centre for Cancer Care, Newcastle

Our Vision
That every healthcare provider, when presented with a patient of any age or of any smoking status who is experiencing a persistent cough or other relevant symptoms, will consider the possibility of a diagnosis of lung cancer and will order appropiate investigation.
That all lung cancer patients with actionable mutations receive speedy diagnosis and the best care possible wherever they live in the UK.
That patient-focused support groups are available for all lung cancer patients with actionable mutations.
What we do
provide an alliance of charities and other organisations that provide support to lung cancer patients with actionable mutations
represent such charities and organisations when matters of common interest are being discussed
support the formation of patient-focused support groups for all actionable mutations
promote the early diagnosis of lung cancer in non-smokers
liaise with other relevant organisations
share best practice
share facilities
optimise resources
carry out joint projects
co-ordinate events/activities
seek funds to develop these purposes.

Click HERE for information about fundraising for research